What is an Empathy Adventure?

Learn about why empathy is needed, how you can build empathy, and about using the Empathy Adventures Passport as a way to expand your empathy muscle.


When Narratives become Identity

Find yourself stuck? In a familiar loop de loop at the bottom of a dead-end street? If you can feel it and name it, you can change it. The narrative is yours. Own it.


Creating Containers

How do you create a container? Why create one? And what do you do once the creating is done?


Are you over-involved?

Making an assessment of your involvement to avoid burnout. What small changes can you implement to avoid a blow up?


Resiliency Practices

What does your resiliency landscape look like in practice? What spacial and temporal reminders support your resiliency investments?


Changing Your Mind

Just because you made a previous commitment that was generous and true, does not mean those things are still valid. How might you change your mind and manage expectations?


The Need to be Needed

What’s that story we tell ourselves that keeps us getting stuck in burnout-landia? Now is a good time to reassess our relationship to being needed.


Resiliency Structures

How are you steadying yourself as things shapeshift around us? Let's examine what rituals, tools, practices are in place to support you in these challenging times.


Compassion Revolution

Talk at the Melbourne-based Compassion Revolution Conference.


Book Launch

You're in the right place.

This book is for you - the ones with the courage to Show Up Hard.


Book Reveal

On the eve of the Show Up Hard book launch, my son made this excellent book reveal video.

Let's meet at the intersection of empathy & resilience.


Book Launch FAQ

Exciting first week of the Show Up hard book launch—here are answers to frequently asked questions.



TedX Talk

Shannon Weber is a San Francisco based ephemeral artist on a mission to change the world one love note at a time.